Where's That Bloody Dog?

CHF 700.00

Where's That Bloody Dog? is currently available in Switzerland. Please go to the curious artists if you are interested in viewing or purchasing this painting.

The painting is of a grazier bringing his weaned calves (9 months old) in to be drenched for worms and liver fluke one morning. The dog, who would normally be nipping at the heels of the calves, has gone ahead to jump in a water trough to cool off after a hard day’s work. The calves are starting to baulk as the dog splashes around in the trough. The tree to the left in the holding paddock is a Manna Gum, a scruffy tree that sheds its bark in long strips all around its base. The two trees behind are stringy barks that are used for fencing and buildings. The tree on the right is a strangler fig that grows around other trees and kills them.


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